Signifies Righteousness, Integrity and Enlightenment that the Institute aims to develop among its students and teachers. The Institute believes that the quality of human resources is determined by the good quality of education i.e. knowledge, attitude values and practical experiences provide to children and youth through formal, non formal and higher education. Children and youth who receive better education in schools and colleges Tend to have higher income, better jobs & become better citizens and have the abilities to face the challenges of the developing society more successfully than those who receive poor quality of education. Our Mission is to canalize organizational efforts in inculcating a sense of social responsibility and contributing towards the evolution of our nation and society at large.

Chairman Message

I feel immense pleasure to welcome you all in Aksh International College. At Present we are imparting B.A., B.Sc., B.Com programme. I am not only hope but have firm belief that the institution will occupy unique place in educational world in its lust green, spiritual and intellectual environment by virtue of its devotion, dedication and determination effort.